In arguably the premiere month for consumption, certainly in our country, I'd like everyone to take a minute (or twenty - but even if you don't watch the whole thing you get the idea in the first few minutes) and watch this absolutely amazing, succinct, thoughtful, and entertaining Story of Stuff (which is a cool little video that gets to the heart of the problems we are causing on this planet). Watching this video will enlighten you if you let it and move you if you sit through more than a couple minutes. And maybe it will even provide you with a little insight into my life. For anyone who questions my vegetarian diet or my vegan morals or my recycling bins or my desire to empower young women to get out of ghettos and get into government, question no more...
The Story of Stuff
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Reasons to Celebrate.
The holiday season means something quite different to the college student. In addition to eggnog, gingerbread, and bloated consumerism, I must deal with taking a final and presenting a final project. Today said project was due (so now I simply have to sit for a multi-hour cumulative final in class next week - ugh), and I am so very relieved. So much so that I just might make some cookies and spend some money on gifts tonight!
Stay tuned for more holiday posting, and in the meantime if you’d like to see my final project for class you can view my Public Service Announcement (aiming to educate the public on the reality of the prostitution problem in the United States), you can view it here:
Click to watch (please turn on your speakers as the song is half the gut-wrenching goodness!)
Stay tuned for more holiday posting, and in the meantime if you’d like to see my final project for class you can view my Public Service Announcement (aiming to educate the public on the reality of the prostitution problem in the United States), you can view it here:
Click to watch (please turn on your speakers as the song is half the gut-wrenching goodness!)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Oh, oh, oh, I have not been a good blog poster. But, today I was reading the news (read: the world’s atrocities) and it made me realize that I hadn’t yet written an “I’m thankful for…” list this year…which traditionally I do enjoy doing. It’s the only part of the celebration of Thanksgiving that’s even worth it (well, except for playing games with the family and eating Uncle John’s paella! Those are great too).
So, make your own list if you like…
This year, I am thankful for…
1. Grad school and how studying for tests makes me feel whole again.
2. Feminism and all it has taught me.
3. My family’s prevailing health, despite all the gut wrenching moments.
4. Constant reminders of how precious and fleeting life really is.
5. LuLu’s unwaivering devotion and hilarious personality.
6. My wonderful, wonderful friends and our constantly-evolving dynamics.
7. A job that doesn’t care if I go back to school and even supports the decision.
8. New friendships that crop up when you least expect it.
9. Great, great music that continues to sneak through the cracks and rise above the pop-terrible Top 40.
10. The new game tournaments at family holiday gatherings.
11. Spinning and how strong it makes me feel.
12. Vegetarianism and how good it makes me feel.
13. My remaining awe at humankind, though it often lets me down.
14. Great new books (text books at that!)
15. Breaks in the weather that let me wear sweaters.
16. New boots and the weather mentioned above in which to wear them.
17. My friend’s children’s birthday parties.
18. Wednesday night darts.
19. Retractable sharpies (now if they’d just make the keychain mini retractable!)
20. Reminders that this path is the right one.
Alright, 20’s enough – how about you?
So, make your own list if you like…
This year, I am thankful for…
1. Grad school and how studying for tests makes me feel whole again.
2. Feminism and all it has taught me.
3. My family’s prevailing health, despite all the gut wrenching moments.
4. Constant reminders of how precious and fleeting life really is.
5. LuLu’s unwaivering devotion and hilarious personality.
6. My wonderful, wonderful friends and our constantly-evolving dynamics.
7. A job that doesn’t care if I go back to school and even supports the decision.
8. New friendships that crop up when you least expect it.
9. Great, great music that continues to sneak through the cracks and rise above the pop-terrible Top 40.
10. The new game tournaments at family holiday gatherings.
11. Spinning and how strong it makes me feel.
12. Vegetarianism and how good it makes me feel.
13. My remaining awe at humankind, though it often lets me down.
14. Great new books (text books at that!)
15. Breaks in the weather that let me wear sweaters.
16. New boots and the weather mentioned above in which to wear them.
17. My friend’s children’s birthday parties.
18. Wednesday night darts.
19. Retractable sharpies (now if they’d just make the keychain mini retractable!)
20. Reminders that this path is the right one.
Alright, 20’s enough – how about you?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Two posts in one day...isn't that always the way.
Well for hours and hours and weeks and weeks and even months and months I have been working on a product line my father is putting out of spices and spice blends (primarily intended to be custom branded as real estate closing gifts - but also good for gifts in general and regular people)...and I'm finally just about done with the project, which makes me wanna jump for joy. It's been a long, interesting road doing package design and building an entire e-commerce by my lonesome. I still have lots to learn. But i did a pretty good job:
Well, it's been one month since I've posted. Drew's on the mend, I'm more than half done with my first semester back in school, I'm off to New York in a few weekends, and the holidays are upon us. Ferris Buller said it best: "Life moves so fast, if you don't stop to take a look around once in a while you might miss it."

Last night was Halloween, I played darts as a pickle (sorry, no photo evidence), and Lulu handed out candy as a panda bear. I carved two wicked pumpkins and, as always, my mom made the house look super scary!
Lulu told me she wants to be a cat next year (I fear this is purely for evil, sneaky reasons).
Monday, October 1, 2007
Oh the OLOGY survey!
Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
You know, I have a HUGE issue with salad dressings, I really hate most of them. I would take a homemade vinaigrette if I had a choice.
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
I love Red Mesa...they don't ever disappoint me.
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
20%, or more, I'm a good tipper.
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Guacamole...and I bet I have done that before.
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
When I make my own (which is more than when I order it out), I put on onions and peppers and mushrooms and cheese and sometimes something fun like shrimp.
Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
I don't eat toast...I put egg beaters on my toasted english muffins though.
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
Lulu in her raincoat.
Q. How many televisions are in your house/apartment?
2, but I reign over neither.
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
Just once, many years ago.
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
one of those televisions when I was losing control over it.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
I don't think so.
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Oh goodness no.
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
This is so funny (b/c I used to HATE IT) but I would go by my middle name: Lee.
Q. What color(s) do you think looks best on you?
Red and Emerald Green.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
I'm not sure, I know I stuffed friendship beads up my nose as a baby and had to go to the hospital...wait, maybe that was Drew?
Q. Have you ever saved some one's life?
Well each day I make it without killing Drew right now is a, kidding...I think Amber saved a girl's life on the highway the night of her 25th birthday and I was standing beside her with a first aid kit. She did more to help the girl, I just called 911. Though, we're not sure if the girl died (it was a bad, bad accident on Georgia 401 at 4am btw. a motorcycle and two other cars...I help one guy with major road rash get some blood cleaned up). We gave the Amber's number and begged them to call us to tell us they were all okay but they never did.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
I've never really been in a life-threatening situation. Though, I'd say my friends have saved my sanity on a number of occasions and I am sure my mother's wanted to kill me many times but abstained:)
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Hardwood. Of course, the house is not mine.
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Who sits? I stand.
Q: Could you live with roommates?
Oh how I miss living I dream of the quiet, the solidarity, the do what you want, watch what you want, eat what you want, sleep when you want, sing when you want, say what you want...wait, what was the question?
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Oh man, so many! This is florida. I have a whole bin under my bed. I'd guess 20 pair.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Wise. And fulfilled.
Q: Last person who called you?
Blockbuster...funny story actually...whoever had my phone number before me owes the BB some serious I get automated calls about twice a week reminding me that I don't pay the $185 balance due on the account it is going to go into collections. As I keep getting the calls, and have had this new number about six months, I am guessing Blockbuster doesn't actually send you to collections - perhaps good to know.
Q: Person you last hugged?
Lulu...not a person, but close enough.
Q: First place you went this morning?
to the back door to let lulu out.
Q: What can you not wait to do?
start grad school.
Q: What's the last movie you went to see?
I haven't been to see a movie in a long time, but the last one I watched was Silence of the Lambs. Fava beans, anyone?
Q: Do you smile often?
I laugh a lot, so I am sure I do.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
I am friendly to strangers, it is only once you know me that you discover what a negative nelly I am.
Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
You know, I have a HUGE issue with salad dressings, I really hate most of them. I would take a homemade vinaigrette if I had a choice.
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
I love Red Mesa...they don't ever disappoint me.
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
20%, or more, I'm a good tipper.
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Guacamole...and I bet I have done that before.
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
When I make my own (which is more than when I order it out), I put on onions and peppers and mushrooms and cheese and sometimes something fun like shrimp.
Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
I don't eat toast...I put egg beaters on my toasted english muffins though.
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
Lulu in her raincoat.
Q. How many televisions are in your house/apartment?
2, but I reign over neither.
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
Just once, many years ago.
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
one of those televisions when I was losing control over it.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
I don't think so.
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Oh goodness no.
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
This is so funny (b/c I used to HATE IT) but I would go by my middle name: Lee.
Q. What color(s) do you think looks best on you?
Red and Emerald Green.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
I'm not sure, I know I stuffed friendship beads up my nose as a baby and had to go to the hospital...wait, maybe that was Drew?
Q. Have you ever saved some one's life?
Well each day I make it without killing Drew right now is a, kidding...I think Amber saved a girl's life on the highway the night of her 25th birthday and I was standing beside her with a first aid kit. She did more to help the girl, I just called 911. Though, we're not sure if the girl died (it was a bad, bad accident on Georgia 401 at 4am btw. a motorcycle and two other cars...I help one guy with major road rash get some blood cleaned up). We gave the Amber's number and begged them to call us to tell us they were all okay but they never did.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
I've never really been in a life-threatening situation. Though, I'd say my friends have saved my sanity on a number of occasions and I am sure my mother's wanted to kill me many times but abstained:)
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Hardwood. Of course, the house is not mine.
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Who sits? I stand.
Q: Could you live with roommates?
Oh how I miss living I dream of the quiet, the solidarity, the do what you want, watch what you want, eat what you want, sleep when you want, sing when you want, say what you want...wait, what was the question?
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Oh man, so many! This is florida. I have a whole bin under my bed. I'd guess 20 pair.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Wise. And fulfilled.
Q: Last person who called you?
Blockbuster...funny story actually...whoever had my phone number before me owes the BB some serious I get automated calls about twice a week reminding me that I don't pay the $185 balance due on the account it is going to go into collections. As I keep getting the calls, and have had this new number about six months, I am guessing Blockbuster doesn't actually send you to collections - perhaps good to know.
Q: Person you last hugged?
Lulu...not a person, but close enough.
Q: First place you went this morning?
to the back door to let lulu out.
Q: What can you not wait to do?
start grad school.
Q: What's the last movie you went to see?
I haven't been to see a movie in a long time, but the last one I watched was Silence of the Lambs. Fava beans, anyone?
Q: Do you smile often?
I laugh a lot, so I am sure I do.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
I am friendly to strangers, it is only once you know me that you discover what a negative nelly I am.
What a Month!
Well, as most of my blog-readers know, it's been quite a month for the Griffins. My brother decided to get the worst kind of Staph known to man and had to be hospitalized and then sent into emergency surgery to get a chunk of his body cut away to attempt to rid him of infection. He's now living back at my mom's as he receives daily in-home healthcare from nurses that help with IV antibiotics and wound dressing changes and all things medical. While he's likely hating quarantine and certainly not happy about the estimated length of his recovery, I think he might slightly enjoy the service he receives as Casa Ann.
I'd say, it's good to have family (and medical insurance). I feel truly sad for anyone lacking either.
PS - in case you are reading this as news, the other interesting part of my September came when I nearly cut my thumb off and had to sit at St. Anthony's for half of a Friday while waiting to get stitched up.
I'd say, it's good to have family (and medical insurance). I feel truly sad for anyone lacking either.
PS - in case you are reading this as news, the other interesting part of my September came when I nearly cut my thumb off and had to sit at St. Anthony's for half of a Friday while waiting to get stitched up.
Monday, September 10, 2007
You Can't Win 'Em All
Well, Jessica did not make the finals. As there were 10 very deserving women, I am happy for the five that the public vote narrowed it to. I hope whoever wins enjoys their 5-star New York weekend. As a former resident of that city, the trip wouldn't have exactly been a major life highlight for me - so I hope someone who has never been to Manhattan gets to go and experience it!
As for me it's back to reading The Female Offender and being obsessed with all the crime shows on Discovery Times (I think if my mother has to listen to one more hour of "Crimes that Shook the World" she'll take away my television privledges).
As for me it's back to reading The Female Offender and being obsessed with all the crime shows on Discovery Times (I think if my mother has to listen to one more hour of "Crimes that Shook the World" she'll take away my television privledges).
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The First Day of School
I had my first Gender and Crime class this morning (funny they changed the title from Women and Crime to Gender and Crime last week and enrollment shot up, filling the class, just two days before the start of it). The professor is awesome; I am really looking forward to listening to her lecture for a semester. She is primarily a criminology professor, but her interest within the field is female offenders.
The highlight of the first session went something like this: Dr. Cecil was giving a very brief history of feminism and feminist criminology and asked the class who believed in women's rights...I'd say 70% of the class raised their hands (disturbing to me that it was not everyone, or at least all of the women - which is most of the class, save for 5 or 6 guys), and then she followed up by asking us to keep our hands up if we considered ourselves a feminist. Only myself and one black woman in the front row kept their hand up. Our professor smiled at each of us (all two of us) and said, "Well, good to know I'm not totally alone." Which served to bond us three a little bit. And then she went on to read the dictionary definition of a feminist (which is, for those who do not know, "an individual who believes in social, financial, and political equality for all.") She noted that most studies show that when people are asked if they believe in, "insert definition here," more than 75% of peopled polled (men and women) agree, that number drops to less than 1/3 of that percentage if the question contains the word feminist.
Needless to say this is going to be a great class for me, and I already made friends with the middle aged black criminology major who I talked to after class.
AND! Crazy small world...a friend I went to high school with is in my class. We haven't seen each other in 11 years, yet both chose the same semester to back to school and the same class to take first. Funny, that.
Oh and one post script – I found this cool little ‘what is women’s studies’ thing on the Emory University site (they have one of the best PhD programs in the country) and I thought it might serve as explanation about my studies to my friends and family:
What is women's and gender studies?
Women's and gender studies draws on the humanities, arts, social and biological sciences to explore the broad range of intellectual questions concerning both the social positions of women and the gendered constructions of knowledge, identity, and culture. Students in the program have the opportunity to study theories of feminism, gender, and sexuality; the diversity of women's experiences and representations past and present; and women's movements in the United States and around the globe.
What can I do with a degree in women's and gender studies?
The women's and gender studies curriculum prepares students for a wide range of careers. Graduates of our program are applying their skills and knowledge to academic and professional pursuits in medicine, law, education, government, social service, public policy, religion, counseling, international relations, journalism, publishing, business, and the arts. Click here for a list of what some of our graduates are currently doing.
The highlight of the first session went something like this: Dr. Cecil was giving a very brief history of feminism and feminist criminology and asked the class who believed in women's rights...I'd say 70% of the class raised their hands (disturbing to me that it was not everyone, or at least all of the women - which is most of the class, save for 5 or 6 guys), and then she followed up by asking us to keep our hands up if we considered ourselves a feminist. Only myself and one black woman in the front row kept their hand up. Our professor smiled at each of us (all two of us) and said, "Well, good to know I'm not totally alone." Which served to bond us three a little bit. And then she went on to read the dictionary definition of a feminist (which is, for those who do not know, "an individual who believes in social, financial, and political equality for all.") She noted that most studies show that when people are asked if they believe in, "insert definition here," more than 75% of peopled polled (men and women) agree, that number drops to less than 1/3 of that percentage if the question contains the word feminist.
Needless to say this is going to be a great class for me, and I already made friends with the middle aged black criminology major who I talked to after class.
AND! Crazy small world...a friend I went to high school with is in my class. We haven't seen each other in 11 years, yet both chose the same semester to back to school and the same class to take first. Funny, that.
Oh and one post script – I found this cool little ‘what is women’s studies’ thing on the Emory University site (they have one of the best PhD programs in the country) and I thought it might serve as explanation about my studies to my friends and family:
What is women's and gender studies?
Women's and gender studies draws on the humanities, arts, social and biological sciences to explore the broad range of intellectual questions concerning both the social positions of women and the gendered constructions of knowledge, identity, and culture. Students in the program have the opportunity to study theories of feminism, gender, and sexuality; the diversity of women's experiences and representations past and present; and women's movements in the United States and around the globe.
What can I do with a degree in women's and gender studies?
The women's and gender studies curriculum prepares students for a wide range of careers. Graduates of our program are applying their skills and knowledge to academic and professional pursuits in medicine, law, education, government, social service, public policy, religion, counseling, international relations, journalism, publishing, business, and the arts. Click here for a list of what some of our graduates are currently doing.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Glamour's Woman of the Year
Weeee! She made it!
So, per my previous post I nominated an author and feminist activist whom I admire very much for the Glamour Woman of the Year Award and she made the finals!
Jessica's nomination
You can vote for her there (or any of the finalists - they all sound amazing - all the finalists) and if we make the semi-finals (I think) we both go to the gala in New York. It's stiff competition, so either way I will be happy. It's funny how you do little things like that assuming nothing will come of it. And in the end she won a spot in the finals, some major national recognition, and I got the inspiration I needed to get off my a*s and go back to school.
How funny, I start class tomorrow morning at 8am! Wish me luck.
So, per my previous post I nominated an author and feminist activist whom I admire very much for the Glamour Woman of the Year Award and she made the finals!
Jessica's nomination
You can vote for her there (or any of the finalists - they all sound amazing - all the finalists) and if we make the semi-finals (I think) we both go to the gala in New York. It's stiff competition, so either way I will be happy. It's funny how you do little things like that assuming nothing will come of it. And in the end she won a spot in the finals, some major national recognition, and I got the inspiration I needed to get off my a*s and go back to school.
How funny, I start class tomorrow morning at 8am! Wish me luck.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A student once again...
Well, here's my big news of the week: I am going back to school. After nearly a decade of talking about it, I finally jumped off the cliff. I am going to seek admission to the graduate program for Women and Gender Studies at USF in the spring. I have a lot of work to do (essays to write and a GRE to take - and score well on - in the next few months). I am starting this term by taking a class I can transfer into the program: Women and Crime. What could be cooler than profiling female serial killers all term!?
Needless to say I am scared to death, but very excited. I can't say that I've felt so good about a decision in a very long time. I think I spent most of my young adulthood resisting a life of academia, assuming that it could only lead to teaching (which I thought was something I would not enjoy doing). It is only as I've gotten older, I've realized two important things: a) teaching is in my blood and I probably would enjoy it and b) there are other ways to apply a graduate degree.
So, off I go to read about female killers and study for the GRE. Boy I loved the smell of freshly sharpened pencils!
Needless to say I am scared to death, but very excited. I can't say that I've felt so good about a decision in a very long time. I think I spent most of my young adulthood resisting a life of academia, assuming that it could only lead to teaching (which I thought was something I would not enjoy doing). It is only as I've gotten older, I've realized two important things: a) teaching is in my blood and I probably would enjoy it and b) there are other ways to apply a graduate degree.
So, off I go to read about female killers and study for the GRE. Boy I loved the smell of freshly sharpened pencils!
Monday, August 20, 2007
What a Wonderful World
I have been experiencing one of the cooler things to happen to me in this life today. The story goes something like this:
About a month ago I nominated the author of a blog that I read daily ( and a book that I enjoyed very much (Full Front Feminism) for the Glamour Woman of the Year Award. Then, about a week ago, I got an email from a staff member at Glamour asking if she could get more information from me regarding my nomination and some photographs of the woman (Jessica Valenti) I nominated. My back and forth with this staff member made me think perhaps Jessica was seriously being considered. The staff member was clear in that she could not say if Jessica was going to make the 'finals' (all finalists are asked to attend a black tie gala in New York City in the fall with the person who nominated them - that would be me), but that I should watch Glamour's website in the coming weeks to see if that was the case.
THEN! Then, then, then...this morning I get a phone call from another staff member at Glamour asking if she can interview me about my nomination. But of course! I happily (and hopefully intelligently) answered all of her questions and explained that, thanks to Jessica's writing and activism, I was considering going back to school myself in order to pursue a passion and take my writing more seriously. At the end of the conversation the Glamour staff member had to get all of my contact information including a physical mailing address which makes me think Jessica might actually be a finalist! Which would be absolutely amazing.
Past winner include amazing women (activists, politicians, environmentalists), and plenty of good intentioned celebrities too (Queen Latifah, Sandra Bullock, Katie Couric). If I get to go to the ball I bet I will take some amazing photos! (And I will get my camera in if I have to hide it up my dress, taped to my body).
About a month ago I nominated the author of a blog that I read daily ( and a book that I enjoyed very much (Full Front Feminism) for the Glamour Woman of the Year Award. Then, about a week ago, I got an email from a staff member at Glamour asking if she could get more information from me regarding my nomination and some photographs of the woman (Jessica Valenti) I nominated. My back and forth with this staff member made me think perhaps Jessica was seriously being considered. The staff member was clear in that she could not say if Jessica was going to make the 'finals' (all finalists are asked to attend a black tie gala in New York City in the fall with the person who nominated them - that would be me), but that I should watch Glamour's website in the coming weeks to see if that was the case.
THEN! Then, then, then...this morning I get a phone call from another staff member at Glamour asking if she can interview me about my nomination. But of course! I happily (and hopefully intelligently) answered all of her questions and explained that, thanks to Jessica's writing and activism, I was considering going back to school myself in order to pursue a passion and take my writing more seriously. At the end of the conversation the Glamour staff member had to get all of my contact information including a physical mailing address which makes me think Jessica might actually be a finalist! Which would be absolutely amazing.
Past winner include amazing women (activists, politicians, environmentalists), and plenty of good intentioned celebrities too (Queen Latifah, Sandra Bullock, Katie Couric). If I get to go to the ball I bet I will take some amazing photos! (And I will get my camera in if I have to hide it up my dress, taped to my body).
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Oh me Oh my
I am already bad about posting! Gah!
Here are some fun things though. First, a cute quiz-deal:
My name is: Erin
But you can call me: the greatest person you have ever met.
Never in my life have I: walked on hot coals.
The one person who can drive me nuts is: Peter Loui.
My high school is: St. Petersburg High School
When I'm nervous: Attempt to not puke in an inappropriate place.
The last song I listened to was: Something from the Chocolat Soundtrack
If I were to get married right now it would be to: I wouldn't get married, I don't believe in it.
My hair is: in need of a dye job.
When I was 4: I lived in Marietta, Georgia.
Last Christmas: I was with my family and happy to not be rushing back to Brooklyn.
I should be: Doing some work! Terrible.
When I look down I see: a black leather office chair.
The happiest recent event was: This is sad, I can't remember the last time I was really happy. Oh wait, I won darts the other mad me obnoxiously happy.
If I were a character on 'Friends': I would be terribly happy that I lived in a HUGE apartment in New York City for, apparently, very cheap. I would buy said apartment in fiction-land and then sell it in the real world for a very, very large profit.
By this time next year: I better not be living in my mother's house...but it's hard to say.
My current gripe is: the state of politics in our nation.
I have a hard time understanding: Calculus.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: My mom.
I want to buy: a new car! And a house. Oh just a few little things;)
I would like to visit: the West Coast and go on a wonderful, aimless road trip out there.
If you spent the night at my house: I would put clean sheets on the guest bed and fresh towels in the shower.
The world could do without: Oh the list is so long!
Most recent thing I've bought myself: I am on the verge of buying the camera of my dreams (seriously, the shopping cart of B&H Photo is open in another window on my computer)
Most recent thing someone else bought me: Probably a drink?
My middle name is: Lee
Last night I was: watching a terrible movie, but in good company.
Tomorrow I am: working on my future.
Well now I have run out of time, but I will post more tomorrow!
Here are some fun things though. First, a cute quiz-deal:
My name is: Erin
But you can call me: the greatest person you have ever met.
Never in my life have I: walked on hot coals.
The one person who can drive me nuts is: Peter Loui.
My high school is: St. Petersburg High School
When I'm nervous: Attempt to not puke in an inappropriate place.
The last song I listened to was: Something from the Chocolat Soundtrack
If I were to get married right now it would be to: I wouldn't get married, I don't believe in it.
My hair is: in need of a dye job.
When I was 4: I lived in Marietta, Georgia.
Last Christmas: I was with my family and happy to not be rushing back to Brooklyn.
I should be: Doing some work! Terrible.
When I look down I see: a black leather office chair.
The happiest recent event was: This is sad, I can't remember the last time I was really happy. Oh wait, I won darts the other mad me obnoxiously happy.
If I were a character on 'Friends': I would be terribly happy that I lived in a HUGE apartment in New York City for, apparently, very cheap. I would buy said apartment in fiction-land and then sell it in the real world for a very, very large profit.
By this time next year: I better not be living in my mother's house...but it's hard to say.
My current gripe is: the state of politics in our nation.
I have a hard time understanding: Calculus.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: My mom.
I want to buy: a new car! And a house. Oh just a few little things;)
I would like to visit: the West Coast and go on a wonderful, aimless road trip out there.
If you spent the night at my house: I would put clean sheets on the guest bed and fresh towels in the shower.
The world could do without: Oh the list is so long!
Most recent thing I've bought myself: I am on the verge of buying the camera of my dreams (seriously, the shopping cart of B&H Photo is open in another window on my computer)
Most recent thing someone else bought me: Probably a drink?
My middle name is: Lee
Last night I was: watching a terrible movie, but in good company.
Tomorrow I am: working on my future.
Well now I have run out of time, but I will post more tomorrow!
Friday, August 3, 2007
It's Friday.
Thank the heavens! I don't know why i could use a break, my life is not that hard. I am busy at work these days and doing multiple freelance projects right now. My dear friend Chris needs an online portfolio so that is underway. And my dad's branded spice blends business and really moving full steam ahead so I'm building the site for that. Toby and company have lots of things for me to do day to day right now, so...for the first time in a long time...a weekend is once the week's end to me. There was a while there when Saturday and Tuesday were not so different for me. That was both blissful and boring for a while.
I wish you a wonderful weekend, and if you have a minute (and a desire to be driven TOTALLY INSANE) you can play this game:
pop the bubbles
(TIP: don't click the bubbles, it pauses the game, just 'touch' them with your mouse as they move across the screen in order to pop them before they get to the opposite side).
I wish you a wonderful weekend, and if you have a minute (and a desire to be driven TOTALLY INSANE) you can play this game:
pop the bubbles
(TIP: don't click the bubbles, it pauses the game, just 'touch' them with your mouse as they move across the screen in order to pop them before they get to the opposite side).
Thursday, August 2, 2007
What's shakin?
Oh, it's a new blog!
Hello journal fans! You may have wondered (and some of you have even asked), why on earth hasn't Erin posted in such a long, long time!
Well, partially I'm just lazy and forgetful. But, I have also been having problems with Live Journal. I made a few posts that never appeared and I've never been able to easily post pictures (and you know that is my favorit thing!) But I do miss staying connected in this small way to my friends and family. So, here it is, eringee's new blog!
I'll put up a few long-overdue posts in short succession and then try to post more regularly now that I have this fun new toy to do it with!
Well, partially I'm just lazy and forgetful. But, I have also been having problems with Live Journal. I made a few posts that never appeared and I've never been able to easily post pictures (and you know that is my favorit thing!) But I do miss staying connected in this small way to my friends and family. So, here it is, eringee's new blog!
I'll put up a few long-overdue posts in short succession and then try to post more regularly now that I have this fun new toy to do it with!
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