Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2007: a recap

So I looked back in my old blog to see what I said around the New Year last year...and here is the entry I made right before we rang in '07:

2006 brought me...
A better sense of self.
A new career.
A new/old home.
A renewed relationship with my best friend.
A once-again-close relationship with my family (in that I get to see the more and enjoy them more again).
A belief that love often lives in the last place you look (perhaps the place you've just left).
The realization that truly nothing is better than laughing with your closest friends (even when they're far away).

What did 2006 bring you?

So here is the same thing for 2007. Oh what a difference a year can make...

2007 brought me:
Back to school...finally.
Much better health.
A love for spinning.
New friends.
Vegetarianism and the holier-than-thou attitude that goes with it:)
Lots of new books and new ideas.
A constantly-evolving version of myself.
Longer hair.

What has 2007 brought you?

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